Saturday, April 12, 2008


This video is about a lady who found a lion cub who was dying because he needed food. The lady took care of the lion. Then the lion got too big and she couldn't keep him in her house, so she had to take him to a sanctuary. When she comes to see him, he gives her hugs. This is a good example of taking care of animals who need help. 

Click on "Amazing Hug"

1 comment:

Charlieneedsawalk said...

Dear Sarah,

I love this blog! I hope it will teach a lot of people about being kind to animals.

I know what good care you take of your animals, and how much you love them. Give them all a big hug and kiss for me.....except don't kiss the toad! He might turn into a handsome prince, and you're not quite old enough for that yet.

I'm looking forward to seeing more information on the blog.

Lots of love, Gram