Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Help Us Animals


 Bars are mean to ALL animals. Cages are the same so please try to keep all animals
out of cages as much as possible . THANKS!! Animals feel cooped up in bars . Bars can make animals sick too. It freaks them out . They are mean so you may want to
reconsider those bars . So let the animals out more often. You can help 

1 comment:

Grampa Paul and Gramma Karen said...

Hi Sarah--We love your blog and we know how much you love animals. The only experience that we have with bars is the cages that we used to house train Rusty and Rosie. They actually got to the point where we would leave the cage open and they would find it to be a safe sanctuary for them so sometimes cages work out well. Love Grampa Paul and Gramma Karen