Saturday, April 12, 2008


This video is about a lady who found a lion cub who was dying because he needed food. The lady took care of the lion. Then the lion got too big and she couldn't keep him in her house, so she had to take him to a sanctuary. When she comes to see him, he gives her hugs. This is a good example of taking care of animals who need help. 

Click on "Amazing Hug"


Zoochosis is a disease that animals get when they are kept in cages at zoos, in circuses, and in pet stores. It makes them crazy. If you see an animal pacing along the cage, they probably have zoochosis. Other symptoms are alot of licking, scratching, pacing, walking around in circles, howling, and just lying there all the time. I went to the pet store and took some pictures of some animals that may have zoochosis. For example, look at the overcrowded fish tank, the bars in front of the cat, and the dog scratching the side of the cage. Would you like to be one of those animals? I guess probably not. 


Circuses are mean to animals because they take animals from the wild and they bring them to the circus and make them work and do tricks. Most of the time they don't get to run around or anything because they're sitting in a cage. This is cruel because elephants walk for miles in the wild, but now that they're in the circus, they rarely ever get to walk around. And people who work with tigers have lots of whips and they whip the tigers, and the same with lions. Try my poll after you read this.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


  • Walk pets 
  • Keep pets happy
  • Check food (any left)
  • Care for them
  • Once a month  bring them to the vet
  • NEVER OWN A WHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Play with them every once in a while                                    

Help Us Animals


 Bars are mean to ALL animals. Cages are the same so please try to keep all animals
out of cages as much as possible . THANKS!! Animals feel cooped up in bars . Bars can make animals sick too. It freaks them out . They are mean so you may want to
reconsider those bars . So let the animals out more often. You can help